Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Interference Update

Still wet from drizzle and no noise. That suprises me because I would think the nightguard noise would be coming from the electric eye. I would think that would not be affected by water. Power line hardware can be affected by water however.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Interference Update

Tonight it is raining. No noise from the nightguard.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

BPL (broadband over powerline) again

The local TV station ran a news story last Friday about the FCC approving BPL. Everyone thinks BPL is so great but the general public does not understand the interference potential of this technology to unrelated services that use the shortwave spectrum. I sent them an email to bring up the negative side of BPL.

The text of my email:

You recently ran a news report about the FCC approving BPL (broadband over power lines). While on the surface this would appear to be a benefit for internet users there is a negative side to BPL that very few people, including the power utilities and BPL equipment providers, understand.

It is understandable why BPL has sparked the interest of internet users and power companies. After all, power lines are everywhere so if you can piggyback internet access that would appear to be a good thing. BPL proponents try to convince us that all you have to do is plug in some equipment at the utility substation and plug a little box into the wall in your home and you have high speed internet. This is far from the truth as power lines were never designed to carry anything but 60-cycle AC power.

BPL technology attempts to provide connectivity by sending high frequency signals down the power lines. The frequency range used by common BPL schemes span between 3 and 30 MHz. This range is commonly known as the shortwave spectrum. Power lines look like long antennas to signals in this range. The end result is the BPL signals radiate and can be heard on receivers for hundreds of feet from the lines. This radiation will cause harmful interference to licensed users in this spectrum. Since power lines are everywhere the zone of interference will almost 100 percent of populated areas should it be widely adopted.

BPL was approved by the FCC as a part 15 service. Part 15 is the portion of rules that deal with unlicensed devices that generate radio frequency (RF) energy either intentional or unintentional. Part 15 regulations are an attempt to protect licensed users of the RF spectrum from unlicensed devices and services. Unfortunately Part 15 was written with the point of view that any device would be a single point source. Not something like BPL that covers a large geographical areas by way of the power grid. BPL proponents will say they don’t cause interference because their systems are within Part 15 guidelines. Unfortunately this does not preclude the possibility of interference as demonstrated by BPL field trials. Proponents will also say that current BPL technology will not cause interference. This just is not true. Current BPL technology is very disruptive to shortwave radio communications. This is a proven fact not speculation.

So who is going to be harmed by this interference? There are a lot of licensed and un-licensed users in the shortwave spectrum. This includes government and non-government users. Since BPL is targeted at residential users it will primarily affect all shortwave enthusiasts, shortwave broadcasters world wide, and Amateur Radio operators. Now some of you will probably say well who cares but this just the wrong attitude to take. Amateur Radio is not an obsolete technology as some uninformed people believe. We are as advanced as any technology, but I digress from my topic.

I have been involved with Amateur Radio since I was 13-years old (I am now 47). It was amateur radio that provided a driving force to pursue electrical engineering and a career path. Why should I have to give this up just because someone thinks they can make a buck by pushing a poor technology to the public? Why should I have to give up a activity so someone can save a few buck to download porn at high speed? It is just wrong to push bad technology of BPL down our throats when there are other non-interfering solutions available.

The cable company and phone company provide internet access (cable modem and DSL) without impacting any non-related service or activity. Why are we even considering something like BPL with the negative impact to the entire shortwave spectrum? Talk about polluting a natural resource!

The FCC has turned a blind eye to the situation. Unfortunately the bureaucrats in the FCC are running amok on this high speed internet bandwagon with little understanding of the technology. As a licensed users of the spectrum I have priority over any Part 15 device. The FCC rules require the owners of any Part 15 device to terminate its operation in the event of interference. The FCC should be enforcing interference protection to licensed users but they have chosen not to do so when the interference source is BPL.

The cost and equipment required to implement BPL is not trivial. You will hear BPL proponents talk about how BPL is the only technology that can bring high speed internet to rural America. How may BPL test sites in operation today cover rural America? None that I can find. All of the field trials and the proposed service areas are in populated areas. Why is this? Because BPL will take the same effort to provide service as does DSL. There is no benefit to BPL over other technologies.

As far as I can see the only reason for BPL is to give power utilities and city governments that provide their own power a way onto the internet bandwagon. Considering the blackout situation that occurred in the northeast I think power utilities need to stick with supplying electrical power and let the communications utilities provide communications.

If the power companies want to get into the internet business there are better ways to do it than current technology that just pollutes the radio spectrum. They have all the right-a-way for fiber optic cable and could use wireless technology to provide access in the “last mile” to the end user.

For additional information on the interference aspect of BPL I invite you to visit the BPL link on the web site for the American Radio Relay League (ARRL):


By the way, some field trials of BPL have been shut down because of cost and interference potential of this technology. Lets hope our local utility sees the folly of BPL before they waste a lot of money down this rat hole. We are also watching the developments of the BPL rollout in the Cinergy service area.

I am not against more competition for broadband access. In addition, the internet is an important resource to amateur radio. Rural amateurs radio operators need high speed access also. But lets make sure the technology used to provide this service does not harm non-related service like shortwave broadcast and amateur radio.

Interference Update

The noise is back from the NightGuard light. The noise does not appear to extend down into HF. It stops around 28 MHz. Can't tell the upper limit because I my UHF (432 MHz) antenna is not connected. The VHF antenna does not hear very well on UHF so using that antenna is not reflective of actual conditions.

Current weather conditions: dry, temperature 48, wind 5 mph. Noise level on 144.200 (AM mode) is S8.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

VHF Interference - Thursday

This morning the noise was gone after sunrise. I did not have the receiver on prior to sunrise so I don't know exactly when it went away. Ok, I'm not awake before sunrise so that is why I don't have any data. Tonight I had noise about 30-minutes before sunset. After sunset the noise was gone. Still don't have it now a couple of hours after sunset. This noise will be intermittent but it can only get worse not better. No point turning it in until the problem becomes more predictable.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

VHF Interference

I have been lucky that I have had little so called "power line" interference in the years I have been in ham radio. As a little back ground all buzzing type of interference is assumed to be powerline related by most hams. The truth is most of the time it is a customer owned device and not power line hardware. I learned this when I worked for the power company. Some devices most lay people would never think could cause interference. This makes it difficult to explain to someone that their fish tank heater, doorbell transformer, or butter keeper is causing interference.

As a teenage ham I had my first experience with "power line" interference. I would get an intermittent buzz on HF from time to time. I never knew the power company would even look at such a problem but they will.....Sooner or latter.....Maybe never. But anyway, I never investigated the problem. It was not that bad so I lived with it. It would go away after a few hours and would not be heard for days or months on end. I found out latter that what I was hearing was not from the power lines but more likely from a doorbell transformer. In the 60's and it was common to put the transformer in the attic. A door bell transformer has a bi-metal strip that is a circuit breaker. When it get hot the strip will open up and cut the current. Unfortunately, on a hot summer day the temperature in the attic can get very high. The strip opens just a little. I suppose some corrosion on the contacts does not help the situation. You now get some arching. Add to this the power lines connected to the device and you have a nice HF antenna. These things will transmit a buzz for blocks.

Anyway lately I have heard a buzz on 2-meters SSB. It peaks when my antenna is pointed south. Until tonight the noise has not been too bad. Tonight it was almost S9 and wiped out the band.

I have an MFJ power line interference receiver I got at Hamvention a few years ago. I figured I would need it some day. This was the day. This little device is a simple VHF AM receiver with a simple dipole antenna. There is a null off the end of the dipole. The null is a nice way to "df" the noise. It is not fool proof because standing waves, houses, power lines, etc can fool you on the direction and intensity. With multiple observations from different locations you can identify the source if patient.

The MFJ receiver confirmed the southern direction. I walked south across the yard and got a peak in front of the house behind me. I walked 90-degrees to the null to see if I could confirm the direction. It still pointed south and not to either house behind me. I suspected the peak in the street was a standing wave or some other interference pattern but I was not near the actual source.

With this I installed my VHF loop antenna to the top of the van and listed on 144.200 in AM mode. I drove in the neighborhood behind me looking for a peak in noise. I would then get out of the van and use the MFJ receiver to determine direction. It was not long I found it: a nightguard light on a utility pole. There were three lights in the area. Two were in a park. I walked up to the ones in the park but the signal did not confirm I had found the problem. I then noticed the third lamp behind houses next to the park. I realized this was the light I DF'ed on the other street. I did not want to walk in someone's backyard so I stayed in the street. Near the lamp I was too close and could not get a direction on the noise. Walking a 100 feet down the street I could get a good direction off of the null. The direction was confirmed on both sides of the lamp. I am sure I have found the problem. I need to confirm this by being there at sunrise and see if the noise goes away when the light goes off. These lights are installed and serviced by the utility company. I don't know how eager DP&L will be in fixing the problem. I will do more monitoring of the situation to make sure I am right before contacting them. I will use this form to document the results of my observations.

So for tonight:

1. Noise heard: After dark, continuous with some variation. Monitored between 20:00 and 22:00. Did not listen outside of this time frame.
2. Weather: clear, dry, temperature 55-degrees, no wind
3. Noise level peak at home on FT-817, AM, antenna 220 degrees: S8
4. Peak noise on Tyronda Street on mobile FT-100D, halo antenna, AM mode: S5/6
5. Level on MFJ in front of driveway at 5524 Tyronda: 80

Sunday, September 26, 2004

10-Meter Beacons

10-Meter Beacons

I keep forgetting about the beacons on 10-meters. Now that the solar cycle is winding down the 10-meter band will not be as active for next few years. Occasionally the band will open up. The beacons are a good way to tell when propagation is open. Not hearing any this morning except the one in Middletown, OH but that is only a few miles away so I hear it all the time.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

More News on BPL

BPL (Broadband over powerlines) is a terrible technology that we must stop at all costs. Yes the idea of using powerlines (which are everywhere) to carry internet sound interesting. The truth is power lines were not designed to carry radio frequency energy that is required to offer BPL. Powerlines radiate this energy. So what is the problem you ask? The RF energy is for BPL is between 3 and 80 MHz. This spectrum is occupied by various LICENSED services. The most common are shortwave broadcasters and amateur radio. While these services may not be important to you they are for some people. Why should these people have to give up using these services just so someone else can have another access point to the internet? In every case where BPL is being tested there are other technologies in the same area to provide this service (Cable or DSL). In both cases cable and DSL provide internet service without interfering with
another non-related service.

By the way BPL is not just a simple plug it into the powerline and you have internet. A lot of modifications have to be made to the power grid to make it work. Just like it takes a lot of modifications to the telephone system for DSL.

Any way you cut it BPL does not make any sense. There are better ways to equip the masses with internet access.


This is the latest from Amateur Radio Newsline:


Amateur Radio has another friend in its fight to stop the world-wide rollout of Broadband over Powerline technology. This, as a European short-wave broadcaster say that B-P-L and digital radio will have a lot of trouble co-existing. Fred Vobbe, W8HDU, is here with an update on digital radio and an explanation of why the two do not mix.

Jacob Freedman, N2MPN, found an interesting story on BBC News Online and thought he would share this news with A.R. Newsline listeners. In the link to the story, titled "Fears for new digital radio system" written by By Chris McWhinnie of BBC Monitoring in Amsterdam, the warning came from Peter Senger, the chair of the Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) at the International Broadcasting Convention in Amsterdam.

DRM is a standard agreed by world broadcasters for a completely new short! wave radio system. The new internet power line distribution system has been evaluated by engineers, including the BBC, and has been found to affect short wave in particular.

Short wave is mainly used to broadcast internationally and the AM bands have been used since radio first started in the 1920s. The DRM system uses existing AM broadcast frequencies to deliver near-FM quality digital sound. It uses compression to squeeze clear digital sound into
the narrow radio channels that currently carry crackly analogue signals. The DRM technology has the potential to make digital radio available in places that Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) radio or even FM will probably never reach. As for the hardware required to hear these
stations, there will be a new consumer DRM radio in the shops by Christmas 2005 and a tiny PC-only DRM set is already on sale.

DRM is not being used by many radio statio! ns yet. However a number of radio stations have seen the potential for new cross-border radio stations.

A Germany-based music station is believed to be in the planning stages. BBC World Service and its counterparts abroad already have some regular DRM programmes and are backing the system.

DRM is being seriously considered in many countries where the FM radio band is full. China sees DRM as the answer to pushing digital radio across its vast territory.

The UK is not planning to use DRM for domestic radio. The UK has pinned its digital hopes instead on DAB, which offers stations like BBC 1Xtra, 6 Music, Oneword and Core. More digital radios have been sold in the UK than any other country.

Switching-off analogue FM and AM may take years and making millions of much-loved analogue radio sets useless will no doubt be controversial. If power line internet transmission is introduced, then international broadcasting on shortwave may also be consigned to history due to the ! interference from data travelling over mains electricity cables.

For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Fred Vobbe, W8HDU


As we go to air, the proponents of Broadband Over Powerline have not yet challenged the Digital Radio Mondiale findings. (W8HDU, N2MPN)

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Dayton weather from my weather station

Current Weather Conditions at Dayton, Ohio

Using the Davis weather station to feed data into my web server. The graphics are from the Davis supplied software.

It has been fun to play with. Some of the historical data is missing or incorrect, i.e total annual rainfall. Also the temperature high and low may not be correct. I have found I am getting RF (from the ham station) into the system when on 10-meters. This causes goofy high and low temperature indications. My only option to is to clear the high/low data and start over.

I will get around to fixing it sooner or later. I think some clamp on RF chokes on the cables going into the WX station will fix the problem.

Rollout of HDTV

Read this first: http://wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,65041,00.html

Politicians have no understanding of radio frequency related matters. I cite the Communications Act of 1986 as an example. All the regulation they needed was already in the Communications Act of 1934. This was a case of politicians doing a knee-jerk reaction to current events. They wanted the voters to see some action on their part so they created new unnecessary regulation.

Localities where there is a shortage of public safety frequencies have always been able to petition the FCC for unused TV channels. New York has been using re-allocated TV spectrum for public safety for several years.

What makes my blood boil is once again we can't adopt new technology because of its effect on the poor. We have to subsidize the poor continuing the downward spiral of making more and more lazy and dumb people. Once again just more programs to take money away from those of us that work to give to lazy and stupid people that won't get off their butts.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Getting Started

Once again time has not been on my side. I set this blog up a while back and just now getting started. I am amazed by how some people appear to get so much done. I assume some of it has to do with the old 80.20 rule. They appear to have mastered doing the 20% that gets results and not messing around with the 80% that does not. I think I mess with the 80% most of the time.

As a bit of introduction to this blog. The intended purpose is to document some activities in my hobbies and other interests. Hobbies include Amateur Radio, electronics and flying. I am sure other stuff will filter in from time to time.

My amateur radio call sign is WB8GXB. You can email me at wb8gxb@arrl.org . I have been active in amateur since 1970. Prior to computers electronics was the geeks outlet of the time. Amateur radio fit right in there of course. When I was in high school there were not a lot of hams out of a class of approx. 500 students. The high school had grades 9 - 12 with a total student body of around 2000. There were maybe 5 or 6 licensed hams. I bet that same high school does not have a single licensed amateur in it today. Computers and software have become the geeks hobby of choice. There are many reasons for that which I won't go into at this time. It is just unfortunate that more students no nothing of amateur radio, radio propagation and electronics.

As I am typing this I have my Yaesu FT-817 running listening to Dayton Tower (119.9 MHz). I don't hear any smaller, i.e single engine, general aviation (GA). A Sunday night may be a little slow for air traffic. I am going to guess a lot of this if freight traffic. Weather is clear and calm so there are no instrument approaches being done or planes rushing to beat a storm.

I am using my 2-meter VHF antenna to listen to the aircraft band. It appears to show some gain and directivity even though I am 24-MHz off of the frequency the antenna is tuned for. It works better than the scanner antenna on the same tower.

That is enough for now. Catch you latter.